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Should Integration Tests be included in Code Coverage

Jan 13, 2022 | Integration, Low Code

Did you want to know – Should Integration Tests be included in Code Coverage ?

In this article today, you are going to learn the following key points.

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Let’s proceed to describe the key points in more details.

What is Integration ?

Integration is the process of combining more applications, components, or scripts for a specific job.

With Integration, you can also combine the features of multiple applications, such as Integration of Email Marketing Tools with Pop up creators.

Once the Integration process has finished, different applications can perform seamless data transmission.

For example, you can Integrate Document Generation applications with Forms to generate automated Documents with Forms’ data.

What are Integration Tests ?

Integration Tests are used to see whether or not different applications, when combined or Integrated, work correctly.

In this process, different applications’ requirements are Tested for suggested environments. This process also shows and points out compatibility issues in Integrate-able applications.

In Integration Testing, you can see the expected output of Integrated applications as a Group.

Introduction to Code Coverage

The process of Code Coverage measures the extent of code execution.

In this process, you can analyze – what areas of source code are run during execution and what are their impacts on end results.

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Code Coverage falls under White Box Testing. When it comes to generating end results, Code Coverage Scripts are responsible to generate a final report of the whole process.

Should Integration Tests be included in Code Coverage ?

(Code Coverage for Integration Tests)

Integration Tests and Code Coverage are Two different processes. However, depending a company’s policy, you can include Integration Tests in Code Coverage activities.

As Code Coverage measures how much code is being executed during a Test run, if you have integrated applications, you will need to analyze Code Coverage across all the applications.

In simple words, Code Coverage includes Testing runtime code running, while Integration Tests consists of analyzing the performance of connected applications.

Keep in mind, it is possible That you have already integrated various code scripts and need to perform a Code Coverage process.

In this case, you will need to include Integration Tests of various code scripts in the Code Coverage process.

Here is a list of reasons you may include Integration Tests in your Code Coverage activities.

  • You may need to include Integration Tests in Code Coverage if you need to measure performance and prepare a full stack report.
  • You can also measure code coverage on Integrated Code scripts.

Having That clarified, including Integration Tests in Code Coverage activities is undeniable.


Should Integration Tests be included in Code Coverage ?

Technically, Code Coverage and Integration Testing are Two different-purpose processes.

As a Developer or Tester, you can absolutely include Integration Testing in Code Coverage, if you have integrated code scripts. However, in normal cases, it may sound strange as compared to standard routines.

In normal routines, Unit Tests are more effective than including Integration Tests in Code Coverage.

In a concluded manner, it highly depends on whether or not a company needs to include Integration Tests in Code Coverage activities.

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