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Salesforce Document Generation: What, Features, Use Cases, and Setup

Jul 21, 2023 | Recent Posts Featured

As its name suggests, Document Generation involves no-code applications, along with Salesforce data after integration.

In this case – once a no-code application helps users create workflows, automated routines such as Document generation and e-Sign helps users create reports, PDFs, and resultant Files.

In this article – we are going to explain Salesforce Native Document Generation in details. You’ll also learn about No-Code platforms used for document generation, Salesforce integration, and Use cases.

Let’s proceed to address more details without further ado.

Introduction to Salesforce

Salesforce provides workflows, automation, and integration for customer relationship management. It is also called a CRM.

For example – Salesforce’s products are geared towards improving a business’ Sales departments with Templates, Workflows, Integration, and Automation features.

In short, organizations use Salesforce to manage their customer workflows, including support, sales, marketing, and management.

What is Salesforce (Native) Document Generation?

There are Two aspects of Salesforce Document Generation – Native and Non-Native document generation.

Let’s address both definitions.

Salesforce Non-Native Document Generation – Helps users quickly create documents with Salesforce, without leaving Salesforce platform and relying on 3rd party Tools, such as Google Documents or MS Word.

On the other hand; Salesforce Native Document Generation is slightly different from Non-native. In this case, once you’ve purchased a Salesforce license, the Native process enables users to use features That come along with a Salesforce license.

Having That clarified, users can make most of the Salesforce data, obtained by Forms, Templates, or Users when it comes to using Native document generation.

Salesforce Document Generation: Use Cases

There are countless of use cases, when it comes to generating Salesforce documents on the go.

For example – once a Salesforce Dynamic Form is used to help users collect users’ data, automated workflows help users further manipulate systems to create documents with Forms’ data.

Such routines often refer to Salesforce Document Generation in simple words. Here is a List of use cases for Document Generation in Salesforce.

Data Management and Merging

When creating PDF reports, for example – users may need to edit, merge, or manage Salesforce data.

The hassle of collecting data manually, from various locations to create a single Report, has solved with document generation in Salesforce.

For example – while generating documents, important data is picked from various locations, such as Form’ Fields, mapped, and used to create a final Report.

In simple words, as described above – document generation’s automation, data merging capabilities, and report generation has led businesses complete workflows in minutes, which otherwise would take days to complete.

Automation with Document Templates

Businesses need Document Generation on a regular basis, especially; repeating Documents with specific Templates.

For example – invoices need to be created in specific Templates, always. In this case, the data is replaced only – each Time a document is generated.

In this case, while using a specific 3rd party Tool for generating documents, you can specify if you need to create documents in a specific Template, often refers to the process of Field Mapping in specific Tools, such as Titan DXP.

In this case – automating creating documents with Templates helps users keep business’ workflows aligned with benchmarks, automation, and seamless.

Customer Relationship Management

Did you know – Document generation also helps users automate specific workflows regarding customer relationship management.

For example, once a customer fills out a contact form, a Document or Email is generated with required Fields, response, and criteria to help customer know about his query’s status.

In this case – the Form’s data is linked and led towards document generation in Salesforce. Later – email automation helps users stay in loop about their concerns. In this manner – businesses can keep records of what happened, contacted, and responded to customers.

Dynamic Data Handling

Not only Document Generation, but also Salesforce helps users handle Dynamic Data when creating documents on the go.

For example – after users have filled in a Form, the data is mapped, sent, or handled in a way That generated documents with updated user’s data.

Here – keep in mind, businesses use Dynamic data to create sales invoices, customer relationship queries, and quotes on the go.

Simply put, users’ data is obtained with Forms, for example – and handled to create Documents with users’ data – on the go.

No Code Platforms for Salesforce Integration

First of all – no-code platforms refer to Apps, Tools, or Software used to perform complex routines without coding, by using a simple, drag and drop user interface.

No doubt – a no-code application is built to help beginners perform complex actions, such as creating and setting up Salesforce Dynamic Forms with Titan DXP, is quick and easy.

In the same manner, there are Tools to help users perform Salesforce Integration, without involving or learning how to code.

In this case, Salesforce Integration refers to connecting a no-code application with a Salesforce account – in order to help companies transfer data seamlessly, efficiently, and speedy.

For example – Dynamic Form’s data can be sent to create automated Documents with Salesforce, also refers to Salesforce Document Generation.

In the case of No-code applications for Salesforce Integration, once you have signed up for a Tool, such as Titan DXP, you can proceed with the Tool’s drag-and-drop, point-and-click options to perform integration with a Salesforce account.

In this case, as its name suggests, users don’t need to learn how to code to perform the integration process with Salesforce. Instead, a no-code application of your choice covers you well.

Let’s address Top 5 Salesforce Tools for Integration with no code interfaces.

Workato – Helps users perform No-code integration between Salesforce and other Apps, such as Workday, NetSuite, and Slack. Workato’s functionality helps users connect various Apps for Salesforce automation, data handling workflows, and document generation with no-code functionality – on the go.

Titan DXP – as described above, Titan DXP is pioneered for Salesforce workflows, including Documents, Forms, Surveys, and e-Signatures. It helps you perform Integration with Salesforce by using its point-and-click user interface.

LinkedIn Integration – It is one of the ways users can enrich social media with Salesforce automation. For example, by using Integration with LinkedIn, users can use Salesforce fields, such as company’s information on LinkedIn, by using its point-and-click features for Integration.

Form Assembly – Data collection, when it comes to creating automated Workflows, the use of a no-code application weighs importance. In this case, Form Assembly helps users enrich their data collection with point-and-click automation, integration, and Form creation capabilities.

Xero Integration with Salesforce – Helps you streamline accounting capabilities. It helps users automatically update Salesforce with accounting data. The Tool is pioneered and geared towards Two-way integration with Salesforce.

No Code Platforms for Salesforce Document Generation

Like Salesforce Integration, a no-code platform can be used to create Salesforce documents.

Here – you need to learn how Salesforce Documents work.

In simple words, Salesforce Documents refer to ones created with Salesforce data, integration, or some kind of Salesforce involvement.

For example – no-code applications, along with integration with a Salesforce account, can help users create Dynamic Forms, which lead to creating automated PDF reports with Field Mapping, referring to Salesforce Document Generation in simple words.

In the whole story of No-code applications for Salesforce Document Generation, the purpose of a no-code application falls under no-code interface for workflows.

Simply put, a no-code application for Salesforce Document Generation helps you create document generating workflows with ease, as well as perform integration with Salesforce, helping you quickly setup routines for Salesforce Document Generation.

Here is a list of Top Apps for Salesforce Document Generation with no-code functionality.

Titan DXP – no doubt, provides no-code functionality for various Salesforce’s workflows, including document generation, surveys, and Forms. Titan DXP, specifically claims to have options for users who are looking for a low-code/no-code functionality for Salesforce integration, data management, and various workflows.

DocuSign – The Tool is known for custom document generation for Salesforce users. Specifically, users can create Sales related documents with a few clicks. You can also sign up for a 30-day free trial of DocuSign. When creating custom workflows with DocuSign, you can automate and perform connection for Salesforce automation, data handling, and document generation.

NinTex DocGen for Salesforce – NinTex is another Tool for Salesforce document generation with Integration – helping users automate the creation of quotes, proposals, and other documents on the go. The Tool is geared towards eliminating users’ complexities by automating document generation workflows with Salesforce data.

S-Docs – The Tool helps users natively generate Salesforce documents. It helps Salesforce users quickly handle document generation, perform e-Signatures of quotes, and automate workflows with Salesforce integration. If you’re looking for a native experience, S-Docs can help you fold Things in minutes, not days with point-and-click options available.

Docomotion – When it comes to creating and automating document generation workflows, Docomotion helps users step forward with point-and-click options. It helps users compose and generate PDF documents, Word, or emails in moments. As it claims, Docomotion is well-serving financial markets with automated document generating workflows, such as Invoices, Quotes, and Proposals.

How to use No Code Tools for Salesforce Document Generation?

As briefly described above, No-code applications help users quickly generate Salesforce documents.

In this case, once you’re set with a No-code application, such as Titan DXP – you can proceed to create workflows That help you generate Documents, followed by performing integration with a Salesforce account.

In this scenario – depending on a no-code interface, the options may seem placed at different places. However – the basic idea of creating, managing, and e-Signing digital documents is same for all Tools.

Let’s proceed and learn how to use Titan DXP to create and generate Salesforce documents with point-and-click workflows.

STEP 1 – Titan DXP’s Dashboard

Once you’re logged into Titan’s dashboard, you can find an option That says Settings. This option can help you lead towards the integration process.

STEP 2 – Integration

Here – you can choose the option to initiate the Integration process. Once found, you can proceed to choose Salesforce. Here – you need to choose Authenticate on the next screen.

STEP 3 – Settings

Once chosen Salesforce, you can see the next instruction on screen. Here – you need to follow and finish the required journey. If you need to click on Allow, you can proceed to initiate and complete the process.

STEP 4 – Connected Apps

Once finished, you can see the connected Apps in the account. Here – you can perform various steps, workflows, or management of the connected Apps.

Note: If you’re using a different No-code application, better if you can see the official resources for assistance. If possible, sign up for the Tool’s demo version, if provided. Also – checking infrastructure well, before you’re ready to proceed with real-world scenario is a good option.

Professional Tips

  • Depending on a No-code Tool’s options, you can create Documents for various niches and use cases. For example, Titan DXP provides use cases for Health, Technology, and Finance industries.
  • Creating documents That help users PUSH and PULL Salesforce’s data is an art. Using such routines, companies can create, manage, and generate automated Documents in a smarter way.
  • As described above, depending a no-code Interface, users can automate repetitive Tasks based on specific use cases. For example, creating digital processes and workflows between partners is quick with a no-code interface, along with Salesforce integration.
  • From end users to Administration, workflows can be tracked and followed. For example – admin Team can see if a Form has been filled out, followed by generating and e-Signing a digital document, such as a PDF invoice.
  • Combining more Tools with a no code application helps companies do more in less Time. For example, companies That collect users’ data, may require generating Salesforce documents, often need Tools like Titan DXP, which provides Dynamic Forms, Document Generation, and e-Signatures on the same Table.
  • On AppExchange – you can find a variety of Tools for various purposes, including Salesforce Document Generation. For more information on a Tool, you can see the details on AppExchange page or go to a Tool’s official website for pricing, workflows, and use cases support information.


As described above, along with a 3rd party No-Code interface, Salesforce Integration helps users create, manage, and generate documents on the go – quickly and easily with Salesforce data.

In this article – you learned about Salesforce Native Document Generation, its features, use cases, and setup routines.

If you’re not Technical enough and need expertise, better – if you can sign up for a no-code Document Generating Tool, such as Titan DXP – helping you perform Salesforce routines without learning how to code.

For more information on using Titan DXP for Salesforce or Document Generation, you can search our database for in-depth resources.

You can also ask for a Demo Trial of Titan DXP for Salesforce. Head over to its official website for more information on signing up to a Trial version.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you generate Documents from Salesforce?

Generating a Document in Salesforce solely depends on which Tool you’re using for the purpose. In this case, once you’ve set up an environment That features a no-code application, along with Salesforce Integration, you can proceed to set measures That help you generate a Document.

Having That clarified, see the no-code Tool’s official resources for more information on initiating a workflow for Document generation with Salesforce data.

What is Salesforce Native Document Generation?

As its name suggests, Native means the use of features under a Salesforce license. For example – once you have purchased a Salesforce license, you can use a no-code application That doesn’t ask for a separate Integration, along with providing aligning features with the features. In this case – the entire structure That contains Salesforce,’s features, and integration is known as environment for a Salesforce Document Generation workflow.

What are examples of Document Generating Apps for Salesforce?

There are hundreds of Tools for Salesforce Integration, Document Generation, and data handling. In this case, Titan DXP, S-Docs, and Docomotion are examples of no-code Apps used for Salesforce document generation.

Applications used for generating Salesforce PDFs, Word Docs, Proposals, Invoices, Agreements, and Quotes are known as no-code applications for Salesforce Document Generation.

In this case – the ones providing purely crafted no-code interfaces are favored, used, and supported by millions of users worldwide. For more information on no-code applications for Salesforce, proceed and visit AppExchange official website.

What are some Use Cases of Document Generation in Salesforce?

Document Generation helps a variety of businesses in various workflows, such as generation of sales receipts and invoices.

Moreover, from automation to creating and sending various documents is possible with Salesforce account, a no-code application, and Integration with Salesforce. Users can quickly create workflows That generate reports, PDFs, Word Docs, and Agreements on the go.

What kind of Documents can we generate with Salesforce and a no-code Application?

Salesforce can generate various kinds of Documents with its features, integration with a 3rd party Tool, and users’ workflows.

In this case, generating PDFs, proposals, quotes, invoices, and agreements are created with document generation, involving a no-code application and Workflow’s settings. For more information, refer to the Tool’s official resource, the Tool you are using to create automated Documents with Salesforce’s data.

What happens to the data used during document generation, such as Documents and Templates?

Once documents are created, you can store them on the No-code platform’s servers or use your Salesforce Cloud.

In this case – take an example of Titan DXP – supports storing users’ documents on its servers or provide the option to store documents on Salesforce Cloud.

For users, downloading or backing up Salesforce documents is always a better option.

Is it possible to create, merge, and convert documents as well, using a no-code application for Salesforce?

The merging, editing, and conversion of documents solely depends on a no-code application’s features. For example – you can use Titan DXP for the mentioned workflows.

In this case, once documents are managed, you can edit, merge, store, and convert the documents into HTML, PNG, an PDF formats using Titan’s automation features.

What about the objects a no-code platform uses to process data?

A no-code application can write or read data from a number of Objects. In this case, you can perform data pushing to any number of Objects, edit, or update records as well.

Similarly – populating documents with object’s data is also possible, however; depends on a no-code application’s features, automation, and capabilities.

Can users embed media into Documents?

Yes – users can fetch and insert media, such as a file or image into the documents. However, the feature may slightly come up with variations in different no-code platforms.

For more information, see your Tool’s official resources or AppExchange resource page.

What are the challenges of not using efficient Document Generation Tool?

If you’re not using a Tool for document generation, you will face to handle manual routines. For example – you may need to search for a large data (manually).

In the same manner, updating, merging, or creating custom documents with users’ data will take days, not minutes as we do with Salesforce Document Generation.

What are Document Generation capabilities in Salesforce?

Users are featured with automated, repeated, and manage-able document generating workflows with Salesforce features.

In this case, unlike manual routines, Templates play a vital role in document generation for Salesforce users, by automating workflows for agreements, proposals, and PDFs.

How is Document Generation beneficial to Industries?

The best part of Salesforce Document Generation for Industries is Automation.

For example – if a company like an e-Store needs to create users documents on the go, along with users’ data, such as Invoices – the best thing the company can do is to use Document Generation in Salesforce.

There are other Ways too, helping users automate, manage, and generate workflows for documents with users’ data. The entire workflow system, along with a Salesforce account, no-code application, and setup helps users generate reports, proposals, and agreements on the go.

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