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What does it mean when Code is Compiling

Dec 10, 2021 | Low Code, Zero Code

If you have been programming, you may have gone through the process of compiling code.

But, if you don’t know about programming or compiling codes, probably you have come to know – what does it mean when Code is Compiling.

In other words, we are going to explore – what does a code compilation process mean for beginners.

What does it mean when Code is Compiling ?

What does compiling code mean ?

When code is compiling, it means The conversion process from a High Level Language to a Machine Language has been taking place. It is the process of making a High Level code understandable to computers, so it is run and executed seamlessly.

To be more precise, programmers are used to write code in a High Level programming language, called the source code of custom applications. Then, if the compilation process is performed correctly, the source code in the form of an executable or software becomes usable for normal computers. An example would be the conversion of C# code into an executable program.

You can also say, Compilation is the process of removing errors from source code of a software or custom application. If you haven’t performed the compilation process properly, normal users with PCs can’t use the coded application with Graphical User Interfaces (GUI).

So, what does it mean to compile code ?

Technically, when a code is compiling, the Compiler or Interpreter is performing code assessment line by line. If it counts or catches an error, grammatical error (referred to coding errors), the compilation process can’t proceed to the next step, means executable(s) are not created unless and until the errors are being removed from the source code.

Basically, a Compiler or Interpreter is used to translate a source code (written in a High Level language) into Object code. Next, Object code is passed through a Linker.

The Linker assigns values to all references and produces machine code for further processing. The whole process from writing source code to compiling, you need to choose a High Level programming language to get started, along with using a Compiler or Interpreter to perform the compilation process.

Compiling in Programming (What is Code Compilation ?)

The compilation process may result in Two situations. (a) Some compilers are used to convert one language to another. (b) Some compilers only need to check the source code to remove errors and produce clean code for further processing.

If you are considering a Compiler for code conversion, you may need higher requirements, such as code readability. On the other hand, if you need to check your source code for errors, you can quickly get started with a simple compiler, often supplied in modern Integrated Development Environments (IDE).


So, what does code compiling mean for Beginners ?

Compilation is the process of creating programs from the source codes. For normal users (PCs), you will need to compile your source code for execution purposes.

An example of compilation is to convert a C source file using GCC. This way, you can create CPU executable programs in minutes, depending on the size of your source code.

In the same manner, you can also perform compilation of Python programs using its Compile function. No matter what programming language you are using to code, you will need to perform the compilation process for normal users (PCs).

At the end, please note – an equation or rule of compiled source code may be correct, but logically incorrect. In this case, the compilation process went normal and reported no errors, doesn’t mean the program would work normal for users’ utility. It depends on the programmers’ intentions.

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